Saturday 15 January 2011

I feel slightly sorry for poor old zinny

After the announcement Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali was stepping down as president of tunisia i felt a bit bad for his in the same way i feel sorry for a puppy who trips over their own feet. After years of ruling tunisia with an iron fist and shameless rigging votes, like a bully going to secondary school and being terrified by the bigger boys, he's seems to have gone all timid and ran away.
   back in mother Russia any leader who gets a bit of trouble off his dear public quickly puts them back in their place by any means necessarily just to hang on to dangerous cliff edge of absolute power. In comparison poor old Zinny is a bit of a softy (it must be an age thing) and reminds me of a kid who needs a cuddle.

Thursday 13 January 2011

the pain

comrades! you english have a sickening torture device even worse then the waterboarding which big bad president bush condoned but was slated by the rest of the international comunity. it is a tv programme called "the only way is essex". that is all, thanks for reading

Tuesday 11 January 2011

the fishfinger sandwich

During my time in england i have learn't how to make possibly the greatest dinner known to man. it is called... "the fish-finger sandwich"
the ingredients are as follows:-
brown sauce (preferably HP)
black pepper

you butter the bread and put the fishfingers under the grill, when they are done you put the fishfingers on the bread, add brown sauce and salt and pepper then job done... you are now a masterchef

Monday 10 January 2011

Sarah Palin and her Tea Party movement (there is nothing better then a good cuppa)

personally i do like Sarah Palin and her tea party, she has alot of good traditional Russian qualities which any leader should have. :
-striking fear into the public is a personal favourite. Her whole campaign centres round the prinicpal 'Vote for us or the muslims will get you!'. we all know this is frankly ridiculous and just the slightest bit racist but hey if it gets you in power I'm sure its worth it.
-secondly, being used as a puppet for a much sharper (but really a bit nastier) politician is something us Russians have been doing for years. most recently good old Putin made a new role for himself as PM and Dmitry Medvedev was made president in a vain attempt to disguise that infact Putin is running the show
     Now i must stop with my inaccurate ramblings to praise the Tea Party. Before now politics and celebrations with hot drinks were kept a safe distance apart to prevent any accidental spillages by the ever so clumsy politcians however since the tea party has gained momentum the amount of gatherings centred around a lovely pot of earl grey has increase expontenially. For this reason and this reason alone, i only find the tea party mildly anoying

Saturday 8 January 2011

reflecting on today

its 10:10pm here in the sodden isle, while at home my ma and pa are fast asleep they are unaware of my sad sad addiction to dear Boris (my laptop). they rung today and i told them i now work for the bank natwest and generally "my job is edgy" and "i make life-changing decisions". what i didn't tell them is that by edgy i mean i work on the edge of the shop emptying the bins and the only life-changing decisions i make are whether i let the rats in the rattraps free or crack their measly necks (generally i do the latter).
   in an attempt to become more english ive bought myself a pet, its a rat and by bought i mean i took it out a rat trap. it currently lives in a fishtank i found already in the flat and has a wheel and a nice leafy/grassy bedding. as the english would say "its a very happy chappy" but im not sure whether it is a chappy so the saying does not fit. goodbye!

Friday 7 January 2011

life in mother russia

the collapse of the berlin wall signified the end of the soviet union, when this happened the billions of crazy people in russia (including me) found themselves without a purpose in life. me and a few of my dearest comrades drove a car across the arctic to britain where we were told there was a bounty of jobs for crazy people. and so my new life in britain began. by the way tescos fired me for peeing in the sink

Thursday 6 January 2011

hello peoples of ingoland

hello my name is grigori, but i go by the name of grig (as this is shorter see). its my first week in england and so far i have a job at tescos. im there now and landed here 10minutes ago for what is called a nightshift (i think its dancing). ill keep u updated in morn about my time nightshifting- i dont think i should do this at worksy